Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Talented Clementine, by Sara Pennypacker

The Talented Clementine, Is a great book full of entertainment. The little girl in the book Clementine is nervous because her grade has been picked to do a talent sho, also known as Talent-palooza. She is so upset because she doesnt have a talent, she cant even hop. She doesnt know what to do because she is not like regular little girls with ribbons and bows she is Clementine. In the end Clementine figures out just what too do!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Love you Forever, by Robernt N Munsch

Love you Forever, Is a wonderful book for all ages children and adults. I have loved this book my whole life, because my parents read it to me all the time. I would say, "Read love you forever please." The book has repetition that is a great thing for younger children when they are learning to read. There is a constaint saying through out, Love you Forever, Like you for always as long as im living my baby you'll be. I think it is beautiful and fun. I know that if you havent read this one its a great one to pick up. It can also go great in a classroom to ask children what their parents always said to them.