Monday, July 14, 2008

The Name Jar, By: Yangsook Choi

This book is about a little girl named Unhei that has moved from Korea to the United States. When she left Korea her grandmother gve her a stamp with a Korean symbols that spells out the name Unhei. When she goes to class in the U.S. for the first time the class asks what her name is and she said she wasnt sure yet. The class makes her a name jar and puts different names in it to help Unhei decided on an American name. She goes back and forth on names until she realizes that she wants to keep her name Unhei, because it is special and it makes her different. I think that this book is a excelent way to get children excited about finding out the background on their names. I like that the little girls name is different and shows her culture through her name even though she has moved to the U.S. she can still carry out her Korean culture through her name. A new country or even city can be scary at a young age so this would be a great way to get the class to be inviting when a new student is introduced.